"another one of those fiendish, know-it-all  otaku"
what actually goes on @ (and i use the term loosely) work?

anything electronic! from scanning and photoshopping pix, updating the motley collection of sites that i've put up on the net, cleaning up on gothdec... i love the set-up! my boss has to be one of the KEWLest people to work with. nic-fitz and sporadic caffeine attacks aside, lunch runs the gamut from a hit-&-run 2 minute chowdown to a full 2 hours. Work?! what is that? But seriously, i have the honor of learning from the best in the biz. Doc's teaching me everything i need to know to run a gallery. in the course of a little under 5 months i've updated my software skillz, and THIS is only the beginning (: Everybody asks me what i do for fun. "I go to work", with a straight face. "Um, yeah" (the oddest look). 
People have yet to believe me. 

(photo taken by jedi B)

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2000.29.03 @ 1315 Central
Quite happy to recover the original code of this page, and make a few adjustments. 

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